What Would the World be Like Without Workshpops? Some are Find Out and It Isn't Good

The truth is finally starting to come out about what happens to people with disabilities when states close their Extended Employment Sheltered Workshops.

This article from the Milkwaukee Sential Journal actually puts some numbers to the impact and how people with disabilities are just ignored afterwards. You can check out the original article here.

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MASWM The Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers
If you have questions, please contact: Legislative Co-Chair Randy Hylton: Phone (816) 781-6292 or E-mail
rhylton@vsiserve.org; Legislative Co-Chair Jim Guyre, Phone (314) 731-1771 or e-mail jim@valleyind.net; or President President Bruce Young
Phone: (573) 442-6935 or E-mail: